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Best portable coffee makers for travel in 2023

Are you a coffee lover who refuses to compromise on the quality of your brew, even when you’re on the go? Say goodbye to the hassle of fitting a bulky French press or Chemex made of glass into your already stuffed luggage. I have scoured the globe to find the best portable coffee makers that are sure to give you that much-needed caffeine boost, no matter where your wanderlust takes you. Small but mighty, they pack a punch and fit perfectly into your luggage or backpack. Whether you’re on a road trip, camping in the woods, or staying in an Airbnb, these little powerhouses will make sure you never have to go without your coffee fix again. So, pack light and sip right with my top picks for the best portable coffee makers.

travel coffee makers

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What to Consider When Buying a Portable Coffee Maker

When it comes to finding the right portable coffee maker for your travels, it can be overwhelming. Like choosing the perfect travel companion, selecting the ideal portable coffee maker requires careful thought and consideration. You want a device that will be compatible with your unique needs and preferences. Here are some key factors to consider when shopping for a travel coffee maker.

Brew Method: Coffee makers possess distinct characteristics. From French Press to drip coffee to pour-over, there’s a method to suit everyone’s taste. And let’s not forget the art of making espresso, which can be especially tricky while traveling. Consider your favorite beverage and the brewing technique required to create it.

Portability & Weight: Just as you wouldn’t want a hefty suitcase weighing you down, your coffee maker should also be travel-friendly. Consider the available space in your luggage and the weight you’re willing to tote around. Some coffee makers are foldable or compact enough to fit into your carry-on. While sturdy coffee makers might be suitable for road trips or RV adventures, they could be too cumbersome for flights.

Coffee Output: Consider your daily coffee consumption. Ensure that the chosen device can produce enough coffee to match your needs. Most travel coffee makers are designed for small quantities, typically enough for one or two people. If you enjoy a large cup, make sure the device can provide enough to quench your caffeine thirst.

Budget: As with any purchase, cost plays a role. Some coffee makers, especially those designed for espresso, can be pricey. Set a budget before buying and compare features and benefits of various models within that range.

User-Friendliness: A complex coffee maker is the last thing you want while traveling. Opt for an easy-to-use device with minimal setup and cleanup requirements. Some models feature built-in filters or come with disposable ones, simplifying the cleaning process.

AeroPress GO

Don’t let your love for coffee be limited to your kitchen! Picture yourself on a crisp, late-season camping trip— just toss some coffee grounds in your AeroPress Go, give it a good stir, and plunge your way to a steaming, soul-warming mug of coffee.

Travel-Friendly Features: This tiny, lightweight brewing device, almost the size of a regular coffee mug, packs a punch with convenience and flavor. When it’s time to brew some coffee, all you’ll need are three simple essentials: coffee and hot water. You can play around with the amount of coffee, water, and pressure to craft your ideal cup. Sure, start with the manufacturer’s suggestion, but don’t be shy: Venture into the wild world of AeroPress’ competition recipes, such as the ones in my dedicated blog post.

Design and Material: Both the AeroPress Go, with its all-in-one convenience, and the original AeroPress offer portable perfection. The AeroPress Go has evolved from its older sibling, embracing a bold red logo and numerals, and a sleek, reimagined plunger and cylinder design. In the world of travel coffee makers, durability is key. That’s why this ingenious coffee maker, made of robust plastic material, is perfect for all your on-the-go adventures. You won’t have to worry about it breaking or shattering when packed snugly in your luggage. The device consists of just a few parts, making it easy to assemble and disassemble in no time.

Ease of Use: Designed with mobility in mind, the AeroPress Go has simplified the coffee-making process for travelers.  The plunger mechanism ensures that the brewing process is not only straightforward but also quick, with a brew time of around 2-3 minutes. The best part? The AeroPress Go is a breeze to clean, making it an ideal companion for those seeking a hassle-free, delicious cup of coffee during their travels.

Wacaco Nanopresso

In search of a portable, lightweight espresso maker for your adventures? The WACACO Nanopresso could be the ideal gadget for you. With its elegant design, user-friendly operation, and remarkable pressure capabilities, it’s a fantastic addition to any coffee aficionado’s travel collection. For an in-depth review of the Nanopresso, including tips and tricks for the perfect brew, be sure to visit my blog post.

Travel-Friendly Features: The WACACO Nanopresso serves as the perfect travel companion for those who crave top-notch espresso while on the move. Astonishingly, it achieves up to 18 bars of pressure without electricity or batteries, surpassing standard espresso requirements. Measuring just over six inches in length, the Nanopresso can effortlessly fit into your backpack or even your pocket. The only challenge is keeping track of its small components during disassembly.

Design and Material: The Nanopresso’s minimalist design is not only visually pleasing but also robust. Its polypropylene plastic casing can endure rough handling, making it well-suited for outdoor enthusiasts. The gadget’s capsule structure houses all the essential elements for crafting espresso, including a water tank, espresso cup, portafilter, filter basket, cleaning brush, and coffee scoop/tamper.

Ease of Use: Operating the Nanopresso is a breeze, even for novices. Its pressurized portafilter eliminates the guesswork associated with figuring out how much coffee to use. Be ready to experiment a bit to discover your ideal espresso.